"Toku Wave Radio LIVE" Ends in July 2022, and...

The Local Time in Japan now is: 


Due to the system update at FM Gaiya station in Uwajima City, we no longer able to broadcast the Tokusatsu Music at your requests via the internet radio from June 22, 2022. The show will continue with local FM radio in Uwajima City, and on our YouTube Channel until the end of July (ends on July 27th Wednesday to be exact.)  Because of this move, we are to start a new program from August. More details will come later, and please stay tuned ;) 

The Tokusatsu Community continues to grow each and every year in ways we never thought possible. Without this community, we wouldn’t be where we are today. We like to personally thank each and every fan in this community for helping us to where we are. This page serves as a gateway to the amazing sites and people involved in this fantastic community. 
As CSTOYS, we continue to enhance what we do here and urge everyone to check out our own radio program at FM Gaiya! FM Gaiya is a local radio station of Uwajima, Ehime, Japan. They are kind enough to let us host our radio show, CS Toys Toku Wave! It is a live streaming show at the same time, so be sure to check us out on YouTube to see what CS Toys Toku Wave is all about, and Join the chat and send us your Tokusatsu music request so we play it for you over the net. 


Radio Personality: Masaki Seike
Co-Host: Collector Shuki
Radio Host:
Masaki Seike a.k.a. Mr.S
Collector Shuki


Q: What is this music request form for?

A: CSTOYS has an actual FM radio program called "CSTOYS Toku Wave" since 2013 and we play your favorite Tokusatsu music in our FM Radio with your name & message. 

  • “CSTOYS Toku Wave LIVE” is our weekly LIVE FM Radio Program from Uwajima City airing on every Wednesday:

    (1) 1:00 PM to 1:55 PM JST for LIVE Program
    (2) 8:00 PM to 8:55 PM JST for Recorded Program 
  • [NOTE] *Our weekly Music request deadline is Tuesday at 8 PM JST, and any music requests after the period will be moved to the following week. 
  • この番組はシーエス・トイズが愛媛県宇和島市のコミュニティFM『FMがいや 76.9 MHz』からお送りする、特撮テーマの海外と国内の特撮ファンの交流スポットラジオ番組です。55分番組は収録形式で行われ、放送は毎週水曜日午後1時(生放送)、午後8時(収録放送)です。著作権によりYoutubeでは音楽は放送されませんが、インターネット放送ではリクエスト曲と一緒にあなたのメッセージも放送しています。


Summon Your Contributions!

We welcome your thoughts and suggestions on the list at our Discord channel HERE. Thank you!