Q: In April, what school activities do/did you have when you are/were in your elementary school? / 小学生の時、四月にはどのような学校活動がありましたか?

Q: In April, what school activities do/did you have when you are/were in your elementary school? / 小学生の時、四月にはどのような学校活動がありましたか?

Masaki Seike

Q2: Can you describe one school event that you remember? What was the event for and how significant was it for students or vour school? / 覚えている学校の行事を1つ説明してもらえますか?そのイベントは何のためのもので、学生や学校にとってどれほど重要でしたか?

  • Going to Disneyland after competing in a marching band competition.マーチングバンドの競争に出場した後に、ディズニーランドに行きましたね。
  • "Grad Night" celebration after high school celebration ceremony. Lots of fun games, performances, and saying final goodbyes with classmates.高校卒業式後の「卒業生の集い(Grad Night)」。たくさんの楽しいゲーム、パフォーマンス、そしてそれらが終わればクラスメートとに別れを告げるんです。
  • Open House when parents visit the school to see the students' work displayed and students felt proud. 参観日(Open House) ですね。親が学校を訪れ、子供達の学習成果が展示されているのを見にくるんです。
  • Elementary School "Carnival" that had carnival games for students and their families to enjoy (eg. Ring Toss, Basketball, etc.) カーニバルの日があります。生徒とその家族がリングトス、バスケットボールなどで交流を楽しみます。

This page is solely created for "Uwajima World Link," Office Seike's weekly FM radio program on Wednesdays, 1:00 PM- 1:55 PM JST, broadcasting from Uwajima City, located in the southern part of Ehime Prefecture, Japan.
The questions we present here are from students from Ehime Pref. Uwajima Minami Secondary School in Uwajima City. They are eager to learn English & various cultures out there in the world.

We, Office Seike, strongly believe learning other languages and cultures brings broader perspectives and hints to local cities like our hometown Uwajima. Also, it helps us discover and appreciate our unique traditions and rich local cultures. We sincerely hope your answers to these students' questions inspire them, guide them, and let them be interested in you and your cultures.

Please leave us your comments and answers from below. 






Thank you in advance. 

Masaki Seike, Director.

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1 comment

In Australia, we had camps and Raffles, I kinda won the Easter Raffle back in my primary school. We also had School sports but around Easter, it was mainly Easter Egg making and such for Good Friday or for something that we can leave out for the Easter Bunny to leave us chocolate Easter Eggs in baskets that we make up.

Neil Radtke

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