We simply Accept Credit Cards (with/without Paypal)
Auto APIShare
Yup, simple as that. Now we can take credit cards at our store. But wait! We have been taking credit cards for years since we started our business when Magiranger was airing here in Japan (was it 2005?) . So what is so special about this?
Yes, we have been able to process your credit cards but only through Paypal. But there was always a same issue bothered our customers (specially new customers to use us...) wether they should have a paypal account or not. Our customers do not have to have a paypal account and they can still use their credit cards at our site with Paypal's "External Gateway" service. Nice, right? But not so...
It is always nice to have another option to use any services I believe, however, it has been a kind of showdown for our new and first customers who is not really familiar with "Paypal" services at all. No wonder our new customers get puzzled when it comes to their checkout pages and see "Paypal" logo and some cases they just gave up our services :(
Thanks to Stripe.com, now we can simply accept your credit cards (Visa, Master, Amex and Debit cards) without worrying about wether you should use Paypal or not. Of course you we continue to use Paypal Payments but as I said, it is always nice to have a backup plan :)
Happy Shopping!
1 comment
do you accept debit cards?