Talk & Live Demo for Tokusatsu Toys

[Youtube Live] Today's Arrivals

  • Every Friday
  • 11 AM JST. 

"Today's Arrivals" is one of our live stream shows on our Youtube Channel. We do this show every Friday, 11 AM J.S.T. as we receive our latest toys from our wholesalers. We open the delivered boxes live & fresh, and show you the latest toys we are to bring to our store activation on the following Sunday at 8 PM J.S.T.

Join the chat and experience the excitement of unboxing the latest toys with your toku friends from around the world :) 


[Youtube Live] The Alternative Show 

  • Every Saturday
  • 2 PM - 4 PM J.S.T.

“CSTOYS’ Alternative Show" is one of our live stream shows at our YouTube Channel ( We do this show every Saturday, 2 - 4 PM J.S.T. and we unbox the newly arrived for the week and demo them.

Join the chat in this channel, you need to registered at YouTube first, and sign in, visit our channel ( and please subscribe us. Join the chat and experience the excitement of unboxing the latest toys with your toku friends from around the world :)


[Youtube Live & Internet Radio] CSTOYS Toku Wave

  • Every Monday
  • 3 - 3:55 PM J.S.T.

“CSTOYS Toku Wave LIVE” is our weekly LIVE FM Radio Program from Uwajima City airing on every Monday. 

To listen to FM Gaiya's internet radio, click HERE. During our broadcasting time, you can hear the music we play LIVE. Due to the copyright rule, we can not play any tokusatsu music we play during our youtube live so we recommend to enjoy the music from the link and join our youtube livestream at the same time. 
  • Don’t Miss Out Our Weekly Free-Giveaway by Requesting Tokusatsu Music to play for YOU! 

    Send us Your Favorite Tokusatsu Music from the links below, and we pick one lucky person from the music requests at the end of our FM Radio Program on Monday every week. We are giving away our 500 yen store gift card code to the winner EVERY WEEK! It is super easy to request your Toku music and we will play your favorite music on our internet radio together with your name & Toku love to be heard!
Program Airing Schedule:
    • (1) LIVE Program: 3:00 PM to 3:55 PM JST. 
    • (2) Recorded Program: 10:00PM to 10:55 PM JST.

This is our weekly public radio show for FM Gaiya 76.9 MHz in Uwajima City bringing you Japanese Tokusatsu related topics both in Japanese and English.

Radio Host: Masaki Seike a.k.a. Mr.S
Cohost: Collector Shuki

【FMがいや in 宇和島市】シーエス・トイズ・トク・ウェイブ

この番組はシーエス・トイズが愛媛県宇和島市のコミュニティFM『FMがいや 76.9 MHz』からお送りする、55分間の生放送、特撮テーマラジオ番組です。放送は毎週月曜日午後3時(生放送)、午後10時(収録版)です。海外と国内の特撮ファンの交流スポットになれればと思います。皆様からの特撮系リクエストをお待ちしております。著作権の問題がありますので、残念ながらYoutubeでは音楽は放送されませんが、FM放送ではリクエスト曲を放送しています。放送エリアの方(もしくは放送エリア外の方)からのリクエストを受け付けていますので、r-m@gaiya769.jpまでメールでよろしくです!


Summon Your Contributions!

We welcome your thoughts and suggestions on the list at our Discord channel HERE. Thank you!