More updates on "HERO☆ STAR" bar re-opening :)
Late at night, Mr. Wakafuji and his contractors were still working on the interior decoration and installing its kitchen & karaoke machines.
We visited the construction site once again to see the progress and it just amazes us how things can be built and installed.
HERO☆STAR ( is a Tokusatsu focused bar founded by Mr. Wakafuji in 2004. At the 9th year, he closed the previous one and is opening it again on Dec. 22nd, 2016.
As we are friend of his and his tokusatsu fans, we are celebrating his new venture and doing our livestream from his new born toku-base right in the middle of Matsuyama City's Downtown on Saturday, Dec. 24th 2016.
Join us for our live chats, Demonstration of latest new toy of the week, and for the first time to try out Tokusatsu Karaoke over Skype (cstoysjapan). You can join this special cerebration straight from your smart-phone or PC.