Getting Packed for Power Morphicon 2016 !
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Yup, we shipped them out! These are all for the Power Morphicon 2016 and we sent them out with EMS service since they are the most secure & and fastest shipping service Japan Post can offer. The event will be held in Pasadena, California USA from August 12 to 14th, and these boxes are expected to arrive at our hotel before hand. There are some more items but we are taking them with ourselves since they are the latest toys released on Saturday, August 6th 3, just 3 days before we depart for the PMC 2016.
We are all excited to see our friends and customers there at our booth, and learn more about Power Rangers and its fans :D
We will be doing our live streaming from our cstoys booth as always and stay turned for more updates from there :)
CSTOYS International
1 comment
i love cs toys