Q: Credit Card Transaction Failed? What's going on?
Auto APIShare
A: Not only through Paypal, but we have started to accept your credit cards directly since May 2016, it has been quite a successful transition for both our customers and us. However, we noticed some direct credit card transactions kept declined by our customers' credit card processors and banks for several times.
We contacted our Stripe customer service, the one help individuals and businesses to accept payments over the Internet, and they told us that these declines happen with many reasons but they highly recommend you to contact your bank issued your credit cards first. In some cases, your credit card company or bank do not allowed you to use the particular card for oversea purchases and they block it. You may want to contact them to allow your credit card to be used for international online shopping. Of course your banks and credit card issuers do care about these issues and trying to protect you from frauds over the net, but in some cases they overdo according to the same customer service.
If you met similar challenges like above unfortunately, you may want to try using another credit cards first and contact and report your bank or credit card issuers later to ask them to help you.
Or you can simply use Paypal, if you have a account with enough funds, since they are more international-use oriented. Happy shopping :)
CSToys International